Youtube results shows web page in their search : Google

Google is testing to show web pages in their search result

Google hasa been spotted to show organic web pages when you search for topics on youtube.

This was initially discovered by a Reddit user who posted the following screenshot.

Users can either visit the page YouTube is displaying, or click a link to conduct a search directly on Google.

There’s no indication that the website result is sponsored, which means Google is taking it upon itself to do this to assist users.

However, if comments in the r/Google subreddit are any indication, this feature will not be well received.

Here are some examples of what people think about web search results on YouTube:

“That’s really annoying. If I want a google search, I’d go to google. They should not treat users like tech illiterate people.”

“That’s just bad. Who would want such a feature? I hope it’s optional.”

“That would just ruin the YouTube experience. Haven’t they done enough with moving the comments.”

“If it only comes up when there are not many results, it’s okay I guess. But if I search something with millions of results I wanna scroll down infinitely :D”

Maybe This Feature Can Be Helpful?

For the sake of hearing from people on both sides, here are some arguments for why the feature might not be as bad as people are saying.

“I don’t know man, sometimes I’m looking for a tutorial but I want a video explaining it, and if it doesn’t exists now I have the option to do a quick Google search in the app.”

“The problem is when I need an answer to a question, and I don’t want to watch someone’s 7 minutes of filler before they answer it, and then ask us to like and subscribe in every way possible for 3 minutes.”

“I might like this. I often do a back to back search like that.”

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